welcome to our Web Portfolio. This portfolio contains a collection of our work during TECH4102 course (Evaluation in Educational Technology) at Sultan Qaboos University. We wish you find it useful and navigate it easily.

Great thanks for our instructor Dr. Aalla Sadik who opens our insights to the educational technology world as we will graduate from Instructional and Learning Technologies Department.

This portfolio done by Hiba AL-Julandani (teacher446@gmail.com) & Tamadher AL-Za'abi (tamah4@gmail.com).

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Social Interaction Tools in Distance Education (Waterloo University)

University of Waterloo

The University of Waterloo has long been recognized as the most innovative university in Canada. The UW's programs are provided using well-designed course materials prepared by its instructors online. The programs are provided in three degrees which are: Degrees, Undergraduate and Degrees. Web courses are delivered through the University online course management system, with environment that encourages learners to interact with instructors and classmates at times that are convenient for them. There are many social communication tools used in these courses that encourage the social interaction process. Here we provide examples for the three different types of interaction are available in UW's programs:

1- Student with Teacher

  • An online academic Adviser which help learners in registering their course and other related issues.

  • Interaction with their instructors through the email when they need any help in their study progress.

  • Counseling services (They provide learners with strategies of learning & remembering, time management, reading, writing exams).

2- Student with Student

  • Interact with their classmates through :Email, discussion board and Forums in different activities like:(Group activities and Group discussion)

3-Student with content

  • Provide them with Wat card to enable them to access materials in the UW's online library.

  • The web courses content delivered through UW-ACE course management system which helps them to interact easily with the content provided in the website.

  • Enrich their learning experience with different visuals, audio, multimedia and links to the internet resources.

    Distance Education at Waterloo University

1 comment:

Edu Tech said...

This article written by Asma AL-amri and Tamadher AL-Za'abi