welcome to our Web Portfolio. This portfolio contains a collection of our work during TECH4102 course (Evaluation in Educational Technology) at Sultan Qaboos University. We wish you find it useful and navigate it easily.

Great thanks for our instructor Dr. Aalla Sadik who opens our insights to the educational technology world as we will graduate from Instructional and Learning Technologies Department.

This portfolio done by Hiba AL-Julandani (teacher446@gmail.com) & Tamadher AL-Za'abi (tamah4@gmail.com).

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Technology Selection Model for Web 2.0

Technology Selection Model for Web 2.0
(Note: double click on the image for clearer view )
Returning back to Dr.Kyle Peck’s lecture about Designing Learning Experiences in an Age of Options in ICOET2008, I want to reflect on the Technology Selection Model for Web 2.0 that he mentioned.
The model shows the steps that we should follow when selecting technology to enhance learning communities.
I think before we start designing any learning community we have to analyze first the learners not just to understand their preferences; as mentioned on the model; but to know if there is a need for an OLC or not.
I agree with Dr.Kyle Peck in his model in the order he made of selecting the appropriate technology for the task; we have to define first the learning task and then to make a list of the most appropriate technology to accomplish the learning task and then to choose the most appropriate one.
May Allah give you more knowledge
Tamadher AL-Za’abi

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